English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vag" is:(selfstandige naamwoord)Die wollerige bedekking van 'n skaap of bok. 'n Sagte, warm materiaal met 'n tekstuur soortgelyk aan skaapwol.(werkwoord)Om die wol van 'n skaap of bok te skeer.Om iemand uit geld of eiendom te bedrieg of te bedrieg.Om weg te hardloop of vinnig te ontsnap, dikwels in vrees of om gevaar te vermy.

Sentence Examples

  1. All-weather jackets, fleece pullovers, high-tech wilderness pants, gloves, hats, and wool socks.
  2. I threw on a Fat Willie fleece and, with practiced ease, dressed my nether-regions under my towel.
  3. From the bag she carried, Eliza pulled out a piece of felt, wooden toaster tongs, a set of white cotton gloves, and some fleece.
  4. Kyle pulled the extra socks, gloves, fleece pullovers, and hats out of the bag and held them up.
  5. They covered themselves in warm jackets and used fleece sweatshirts for pillows.
  6. He collected six small emergency blankets made of reflective Mylar, two hunting knives, two more portable solar panels from where Annie had found hers, a handheld GPS that looked like it might plug into the panels, two winter jackets, two sleeping bags, seven candles, packs of waterproof matches, fistfuls of fleece hats.
  7. When both hands were gloved, she wiped the jar with the fleece and put everything into the little bag.
  8. An ewe looked up from the straw, her fleece thick with lanolin, the greasy smell hanging in the air.
  9. Hughes watched over Annie as she grabbed two fleece pullovers and two pairs of pants off the rack.
  10. A quick glimpse down showed fleece lined knee-high boots with long laces wrapped fully around them.