English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "flits" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Skielike, kort uitbarsting van lig of helderheid.'n Kort oomblik of geval.'n Skielike of vinnige vertoning of uitstalling, dikwels bedoel om te beïndruk of aandag te trek.'n Helder, treffende of opvallende voorwerp, wat dikwels vir dekoratiewe doeleindes gebruik word. 'n Slangterm vir 'n spoggerige of pronkerige persoon of ding.'n Skielike stormloop of oplewing, soos van water of elektrisiteit.As 'n werkwoord het "flits" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:Om 'n skielike uitbarsting van lig of helderheid uit te straal.Om skielik en vinnig te beweeg of te verskyn.Om te vertoon of kortliks uitstal, dikwels op 'n indrukwekkende of aandagtrekkende wyse.Om iets kortliks op 'n skerm of oppervlak te laat verskyn, soos in 'n foto of 'n boodskap.Om jouself bloot te stel. onwelvoeglik in die openbaar.

Sentence Examples

  1. Daerwyn opened his coat enough to flash something at them, and the man and woman resumed their charade as he slipped through the door.
  2. Not for the first time, Cianne felt a flash of frustration.
  3. He disarmed Cera with a flash of movement and before she could take another step his sword was at her throat.
  4. As I inhale to speak, images flash into my mind like movie stills.
  5. In a flash, I think to ask a question all but forgotten in the drama.
  6. In a flash I envision my hands slipping that notebook into place.
  7. A pale flash and then he was amongst them, ripping their arms off with his bare hands, rending their faces with his teeth.
  8. Before he could rise to his feet a huge fist cracked against his jaw, making his vision flash black and his hearing muffle.
  9. Ignoring the flash of the answer phone light I pick up the handset and make to call the first number.
  10. In the flash of an instant, the huge animal charged straight for Jason with incredible speed.