English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vuur" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die handeling om 'n wapen of vuurwapen af te vuur.Die handeling om 'n werknemer uit hul werk te ontslaan.Die handeling om iets aan die brand te steek of aan die brand te steek.Die handeling om 'n proses te inisieer of te begin, soos om 'n enjin of 'n masjien aan te vuur.Die handeling om iets aan hitte te onderwerp, soos om pottebakkery in 'n oond af te vuur of bakstene in 'n oond te vuur.Die proses om elektriese seine te stuur om 'n toestel of stelsel te aktiveer, soos om neurone in die brein af te vuur of 'n vuurpylenjin af te vuur.Die daad om iemand 'n ernstige berisping of skel te gee, dikwels op 'n kragtige of aggressiewe manier.


  1. fire

Sentence Examples

  1. Actually, I wanted his arms wrapped around me, easing away the memories of the beady-eyed man firing his gun at me.
  2. With my legs splayed out in front of me, I scanned the windows of the dingy apartment complex again as I continued firing.
  3. He should know that firing the stunner into empty air in the Passages was a stupid idea if you wanted to get out with all your limbs intact.
  4. Evan saw one girl firing flame tipped arrows at a crowd of fiends, whilst another lobbed grenade after grenade at the minions, causing electric explosions which sent body parts everywhere.
  5. We sit down at our table overlooking Spring and Center streets and Winnie instantly starts firing off questions.
  6. Three more cops worked their way down the sidewalk, firing from fifty yards away.
  7. Using magic in a closed space was generally a stupid idea, like firing a rocket in a cubicle.
  8. Sandford stood by the rear bumper, firing at the side of the house in small bursts.
  9. Feinstein put two rounds in his chest before shifting around and firing three more into the escaping crowd.
  10. They were to begin firing at the first whistle of the locomotive.