English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "vinger" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks:Die handeling om iets met die vingers aan te raak of te manipuleer, soos om 'n musiekinstrument te speel, op 'n klawerbord te tik, of om die bladsye van 'n boek om te blaai.Die tegniek om die vingers in 'n bepaalde posisie op 'n musiekinstrument te plaas om 'n spesifieke noot of akkoord te produseer.Die identifikasie van iemand as 'n verdagte in 'n misdaad gebaseer op hul vingerafdrukke wat op die toneel van die misdaad gevind is.Die praktyk om 'n mens se vingers te gebruik om jouself of 'n ander persoon seksueel te stimuleer.Die presiese definisie van "vinger" sal afhang van die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fingering the re-taped paper, that sad little bow mashed down and frayed.
  2. While she was busy doing this, fondling the tyres and fingering the spokes of the wheels, he stared at her, eating her up with his eyes, marvelling at the fact that he had never seen her from such close quarters before.
  3. She walked over and picked up a few items, fingering the cloth.
  4. Metzger stood looking at Collier fingering the hilt of his twelve-inch machete.
  5. The soldier kept fingering his sword, but he never pulled it out.
  6. I walked back down the stairs and into the living room where Lynx stood by the fireplace, fingering a silver chain around her neck.
  7. The Doctor sat back in his chair, fingering his glass, and I thought he still looked exhausted.
  8. A bearded, hulking thug, garishly dressed, fingering a heavy mace, alone.
  9. Nevertheless, he slipped his right hand into the front pocket of his jeans, fingering the smaller figurine that Stevens handed him way back on the other side of the mountains.
  10. She had been fingering bolts of cloth, but now took a step forward and made no effort to hide her head-to-toe scrutiny of Olivia.