English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "filial" hou verband met of pas by 'n seun of dogter; met die eienskappe van 'n seun of dogter, veral deur toegewyd, respekvol en gehoorsaam te wees aan 'n mens se ouers of ouderlinge. Die term word dikwels gebruik om die gedrag of houding van 'n kind teenoor hul ouers of gesin te beskryf, en kan ook verwys na die verhouding tussen 'n ouer en hul nageslag.

Sentence Examples

  1. Urged by the different motives of filial affection, friendship and gratitude, Heyward and his companions rushed with one accord to the place, encircling the little canopy of dust which hung above the warriors.
  2. The young man, standing up before her, gazed upon her with that filial affection which is so tender and endearing with children whose mothers are still young and handsome.
  3. At this spot, so pregnant with fond and filial remembrances, his heart beat almost to bursting, his knees tottered under him, a mist floated over his sight, and had he not clung for support to one of the trees, he would inevitably have fallen to the ground and been crushed beneath the many vehicles continually passing there.