English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "gefigure" is:byvoeglike naamwoordGesier met 'n patroon of ontwerp, tipies met behulp van lyne en kurwes. Voorgestel of uitgebeeld met 'n bepaalde vorm of buitelyn.Bereken of geskat.Ingesluit in 'n berekening of afrekening.werkwoordOm waarskynlik te wees of voor te kom.Om te bereken of te skat.Om te verstaan of te interpreteer.Om te versier met 'n patroon of ontwerp.

Sentence Examples

  1. I saw the window open a bit later, and figured someone had just forgotten to close it.
  2. It figured my old friend from the Academy would want to know the details.
  3. And he had a little black feist that I figured Jake would like to play with.
  4. And since he was working freelance, I figured he could make time to help me, if he wanted to.
  5. Ships and roiling waters figured prominently, and looking at them made him queasy.
  6. If he had any sense in that pea brain of his he would have figured it out and moved on.
  7. He figured the meaning when the other demons shambled, loped, or slithered closer.
  8. But then I figured she had trouble calling me Abit, which was pretty nice when I thought about it.
  9. Both these crazy women, if you can call them women, figured how to do the impossible, which is creating us, only half human demon-spawn.
  10. She never told me this, but I figured she thought demons came out then.