English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "figuur" het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Numeriese simbool, veral een wat 'n hoeveelheid of waarde verteenwoordig.'n Vorm of buitelyn van 'n liggaam of voorwerp.'n Persoon of karakter wat beskou word as verteenwoordigend van 'n bepaalde kwaliteit of konsep.'n Persoon se liggaamsvorm, veral 'n vrou s'n.'n Diagram of illustrasie, veral een wat gebruik word om iets te verduidelik of te verduidelik.'n Beduidende of belangrike persoon of ding.Om iets te bereken of te skat.Om te verskyn of te wees opvallend.Om iets te verstaan of te begryp.Die spesifieke betekenis van "figuur" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Around the corner, the wyvern had been dragged out of the rubble and guards surrounded it, clearly trying to figure out how to get it back into the Passages.
  2. And between them was a smaller, redheaded figure with eyes like white orbs, dark pupils in the centre.
  3. I needed to learn what Maggie knew about the athletic director, theorizing she could figure out a way to introduce me to Coach Oliver.
  4. She forced herself to look into those two startling rubies, trying to figure out what he intended next.
  5. As she turned a corner, a figure stepped into her path.
  6. Reaching the corridor I needed, I paused, looking out for the familiar figure.
  7. A thin shirt clung to a body made of porcelain, accentuating his tall and slim figure.
  8. I jogged the length of the fence and stopped at the corner to figure out my next move.
  9. As near as I could figure, Abby was at least fifteen years older than me.
  10. I racked my brain trying to figure out who could be in the running.