English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "vy" het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n soet vrug met 'n dun skil en sagte vleis, wat baie klein pitte bevat. Dit word gewoonlik vars of gedroog geëet.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n klein, peervormige, eetbare vrug wat deur sekere soorte kaktus geproduseer word, ook bekend as 'n turksvy.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n figuur of simbool wat gebruik word in nommering of telling, dikwels in die vorm van 'n syfer of syfer.Werkwoord: om verstaan of begryp die betekenis of wese van iets.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n minagtende gebaar wat gemaak word deur die duim tussen die eerste en tweede vinger uit te brei.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n klein hoeveelheid of hoeveelheid van iets.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n klein, dekoratiewe, dikwels suiwer ornamentele item of voorwerp, veral een wat gebruik word om klere te versier. Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n onbenullige of klein argument of rusie.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n soort dans, gewild in die 18de eeu , gekenmerk deur grasieuse, vloeiende bewegings.Let daarop dat die mees algemene definisie van "vy" die eerste een is, met verwysing na 'n soet vrug.

Sentence Examples

  1. Under black hair, which made to tower high on her head, he saw a very fair, very delicate, very smart face, a brightly red mouth, like a freshly cracked fig, eyebrows which were well tended and painted in a high arch, smart and watchful dark eyes, a clear, tall neck rising from a green and golden garment, resting fair hands, long and thin, with wide golden bracelets over the wrists.
  2. We passed my favorite fig tree, the heavy bottoms of its tear-shaped fruits already ripening to a reddish brown.
  3. Sheltered from the early summer heat beneath a gnarled fig tree, I strummed my kinnor, the small harp that was my only valuable possession, while keeping one eye on the sheep and the other on the travelers approaching the town gates for market day.
  4. One of the cooks handed me a small piece of bread, a single dried fig, and twelve kernels of toasted grain from where it had been set aside in the cooking area.
  5. Before long, I spied a mangled fig tree, with one of its lower branches broken off near the trunk.
  6. Li shares a crumb of her biscuit, a piece of cheese, a third of a fig.
  7. A fig for Don Belianis, and for all who say he equalled him in any respect, for, my oath upon it, they are deceiving themselves!
  8. For a long time, he observed her mouth, her old, tired mouth, with those lips, which had become thin, and he remembered, that he used to, in the spring of his years, compare this mouth with a freshly cracked fig.
  9. I almost laughed when I saw that it was just an old man standing on the other side of the fig tree, swaying gently with his eyes closed.
  10. Orange, pomegranate, and fig trees bent beneath the weight of their golden or purple fruits.