English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "minder" is 'n vergelykende vorm van die woord "min," wat 'n kleiner aantal of hoeveelheid van iets beteken. Dit word gebruik om 'n kleiner hoeveelheid van iets aan te dui in vergelyking met wat voorheen genoem is of wat verwag word. Byvoorbeeld, "Ek het minder boeke as my vriend" beteken dat die spreker 'n kleiner aantal boeke as hul vriend het.

Sentence Examples

  1. To delve deep into secret arts few have learned and fewer mastered.
  2. Reindeer, no fewer than eight hundred, speckled the land, blended with the white tufts of cotton grass.
  3. The more she dug, the fewer answers she found, and the more questions emerged.
  4. His lack of connections would ensure the House members had fewer preconceived notions about him.
  5. To attract less attention, fewer cars were employed, which meant cramming each one with as many homies as possible.
  6. With any luck, there would at least be fewer grinel somewhere far away from where we were.
  7. A roaring fire had been erected in the middle of a large clearing, surrounded by no fewer than a dozen hardy looking men and women.
  8. Perhaps I should ask you fewer questions for the time being.
  9. This time, we took a different path, one that led down a sloping corridor with fewer doors but more of a static buzz in the air that usually meant magic was high.
  10. There was too much at stake, and the fewer people who knew of his survival the better.

TV Series Examples



Fewer eyes back here, my lady.