English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "varing" is 'n soort nie-blommende plant wat via spore in plaas van sade voortplant. Varings word gekenmerk deur hul blare, wat die groot, verdeelde blare is wat die grootste deel van die plant uitmaak. Hulle groei tipies in klam, skadu areas en is algemeen in woude en ander bosveld omgewings. Daar is baie verskillende spesies varings, wat in grootte wissel van klein plantjies wat net 'n paar sentimeter hoog word tot toringboomvarings wat hoogtes van meer as 20 meter kan bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. The sniveling man named Fern squinted hard, almost like he was seeing this customer for the first time, then suddenly clapped his hand to his mouth.
  2. Once she had laid eyes on the leather cover with carved fern leaves, she wanted to know the secrets held inside.
  3. The glare Hawke gave Fern made him wince more than the strike did.
  4. Fern winced at the gesture, hastily shoving the bag and bundle he had brought with him at my companion.
  5. He led me around to the inside of the tent, where he flung himself into a folding chair Fern had been using and kicked his feet up on the baubles that sat on the counter.
  6. However, after only being told once, Fern nodded furiously, his eyes darting around as I suspected he was using every ounce of his brainpower to recall what he had just been told, and without another word, he bundled up his new treasure and scurried off at incredible pace.
  7. Fern looked around nervously for several moments before he followed a good distance behind me.
  8. He spent a few moments rummaging through the contents, nodding every so often before finally closing it again and giving the now jittering Fern a tiny smirk.
  9. Fern was extremely tall with a steel-gray, pixie-style haircut.
  10. He had the long, belted bundle that Fern had given him across his lap, and was undoing the clasps on a small bulky case I had seen tied behind our other things on Sir Brown Horse.