English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "vilt" kan 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks:'n Soort materiaal gemaak van saamgeperste en matte vesels van wol of ander materiale: "Sy het 'n hoed van vilt gemaak."Die verlede tyd van die werkwoord "voel", wat beteken om iets deur aanraking of sensasie waar te neem of te ervaar: "Sy het gevoel die sagtheid van die kombers."'n Materiaal wat gebruik word vir voering of isolasie, tipies gemaak van saamgeperste vesels: "Die dak is met vilt geïsoleer."Om iets te glo of te dink as waar of waarskynlik: "Ek het gevoel dat dit tyd is om te vertrek."'n Dun plaat of strook metaal , dikwels gebruik as 'n spasieerder of voering tussen twee ander materiale: "Die laer is met vilt gevoer om wrywing te verminder."

Sentence Examples

  1. They inevitably felt uncomfortable about asking, then you felt weird for delivering the awful news.
  2. It was in that instant I felt a sense of security about the future, as though reestablishing a friendship with Maggie might help me move forward.
  3. I tiptoed into the vestibule with my eyes closed, turned to the right, and felt my composure fade.
  4. I felt positive about rebuilding our friendship again.
  5. I felt certain that had been a onetime card I could play.
  6. I suspected it was how my sister had felt about anyone sharing a loving moment these days.
  7. Braxton, one of four charming villages surrounded by the Wharton Mountains and the Saddlebrooke National Forest, felt impenetrable from outside forces.
  8. It had been a decade since I felt that electrifying school spirit.
  9. The connection felt fuzzy, as though the distance prevented me from truly knowing whether my six-year-old daughter was okay.

TV Series Examples



lt felt like justice.



felt like l was breathing life



and wept and felt the tears