English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "Federasie" is 'n politieke entiteit wat gekenmerk word deur 'n unie van gedeeltelik selfregerende state of streke wat deur 'n sentrale regering verenig word. Dit is 'n regeringsvorm waar die mag verdeel word tussen die sentrale owerheid en sy samestellende dele, wat aansienlike outonomie behou in sake soos belasting, wetgewing en administrasie. Die term "federasie" word dikwels gebruik om politieke stelsels te beskryf wat 'n federale struktuur het, soos die Verenigde State, Kanada, Australiƫ en Duitsland.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Kingdom of Barakas was more like a loose federation of high mountain frontier towns.
  2. Blue was after the reins of the Russian Federation, and he intended to scoop up those reins in Bucharest.
  3. The lands west of the Rocky Mountains reformed themselves into autonomous but highly collaborative regions which eventually coalesced into the Pacific Federation.
  4. The oil crisis that follows will pit the Russian Federation against the Europeans.
  5. Of the various forms of government to emerge post-Impact, the Pacific Federation recovered most swiftly due to several factors, including trade with Asia, a well-educated population, and its high-tech industrial base.
  6. The Federation Council met in London this morning and authorized the mobilization of the fleet to safeguard the colonies.
  7. The Secretary of the West Yorkshire Police Federation was more restrained, calling for tighter controls on firearms but dismissing the idea of routinely arming officers.