English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "fout" is 'n onvolmaaktheid, fout of gebrek wat iets of iemand minder perfek of volledig maak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n defek of wanfunksie in 'n masjien of stelsel, of na 'n verantwoordelikheid of skuld vir iets wat verkeerd geloop het. Daarbenewens kan die term gebruik word om 'n geologiese kenmerk te beskryf, soos 'n breuk of breuk in die aardkors.

Sentence Examples

  1. The instructions that he passed on had been executed without fault.
  2. Oh well, it was still true, my parents were not her fault.
  3. The pause we offer makes Richard uncomfortable so he launches into a lengthy explanation, mostly about how difficult women are to live with and how his wife is at fault for everything.
  4. Should the kittens be found to suffer uneasiness in an equal degree with their mother, I must consider my theory in fault, but a failure to do so I should look upon as a strong confirmation of my idea.
  5. That was always his weakness, too nice, to a fault.
  6. Yes, but it was still more the fault of the traitor who, in order to separate him from his master, and detain the latter at Hong Kong, had inveigled him into getting drunk!
  7. Assingham had, through no fault of its own, been committed.
  8. The wild disorder of the room the corpse thrust, with the head downward, up the chimney the frightful mutilation of the body of the old lady these considerations, with those just mentioned, and others which I need not mention, have sufficed to paralyze the powers, by putting completely at fault the boasted acumen, of the government agents.
  9. It was his fault, for, instead of helping his master, he had not ceased putting obstacles in his path!
  10. Even Richard had been unable to find fault with him on that score.