English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "fantasie" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na:Die fakulteit of aktiwiteit om dinge te verbeel, veral dinge wat onmoontlik of onwaarskynlik is. 'n Genre van verbeeldingryke fiksie wat handel oor bonatuurlike of magiese temas, wat dikwels in verbeeldingswêrelde afspeel.'n Fantastiese of onrealistiese idee of idee; 'n droom of 'n illusie.As 'n werkwoord beteken "fantasie" om fantasievolle of onrealistiese dinge voor te stel of te visualiseer.


  1. fantasise
  2. fantasize

Sentence Examples

  1. Finally, I wandered up the squeaky staircase to the fantasy section.
  2. There were millions and millions of people, and the idea of demons was just fantasy.
  3. Emma spent her childhood creating imaginary worlds to compensate for a disappointingly average reality, so it was probably inevitable that she ended up writing fantasy novels.
  4. Picture yourself in one of your fantasy books where the supernatural exists, and try to find some comfort there.
  5. In fantasy books the gemstone most often associated with healing or energy is the amethyst.
  6. The fantasy was becoming too real and Harry refocused.
  7. I had just as much right to peruse the fantasy section as he did.
  8. I hope you enjoyed this urban fantasy and the cast of characters as much as I enjoyed creating and writing about them.
  9. That part wanted to throw herself in his arms and give in to every fantasy that had ever played out behind her lids.
  10. They believed they were in some fantasy land of lords and ladies with damsels in distress.