English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "fantasties" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:Ontvang of voorkom asof dit deur 'n onbelemmerde verbeelding bedink is; vreemd en merkwaardig; bisarre; grotesk; fantasievol.Amper ongelooflik; ongelooflik; denkbeeldig; visioenêr.Lyk of pas by 'n fantasie; denkbeeldig; onwerklik.Wonderlik; uitstekend; besonder goed.Voorbeeldsinne:Die fliek het fantastiese spesiale effekte gehad.Sy het 'n fantastiese tyd gehad op haar vakansie. Die storie was so fantasties dat dit moeilik was om te glo.Die rok het absoluut fantasties op haar gelyk.

Sentence Examples

  1. She still intimidated the hell out of him, but her skills with a bow and arrow were fantastic.
  2. Start a new life somewhere inland in the city, Sheila had heard passively that the city was recruiting lots of new people, a fantastic opportunity to get work.
  3. His old vagabond nature returned to him the fantastic ideas of his youth once more took possession of him.
  4. Tonight was supposed to be some kind of fantastic, romantic make-up-for-lost-time scene, with him and Kate whirling under the disco ball in the spotlight dance they never got in high school.
  5. Although her predecessor was a fantastic librarian, Mrs.
  6. Each of his tales grew more fantastic than the last.
  7. A great shadow, preceded by a wild light, slowly advanced, appearing still larger through the mist, which gave it a fantastic aspect.
  8. It was all very unscientific and unnerving and fantastic.
  9. A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the Red Sea.
  10. It was fantastic to see the entire town banding together to support the Braxton Bears.