English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geval" is die verlede deelwoord van die werkwoord "val". Dit kan verwys na iemand of iets wat van 'n hoër posisie na 'n laer een geval het, soos 'n persoon wat gestruikel en op die grond geval het. Dit kan ook iemand of iets beteken wat van 'n vorige toestand agteruitgegaan of agteruitgegaan het, soos 'n gevalle beskawing of 'n omgevalle boom. In figuurlike sin kan "geval" verwys na iemand wat hul status of reputasie verloor het, of wat op een of ander manier misluk het.

Sentence Examples

  1. She leaped over the fallen Hobgoblin and sprinted out of the city plaza and into an alley as a bloodthirsty mob followed.
  2. A sudden current of magic made the hairs stand up on my arms, and two dreyverns ran past the fallen monster.
  3. Someone had taken my phone away, and the main part of the Chameleon must have fallen out of my pocket at some point.
  4. But the cry of the fallen dreyvern caused the others to turn in our direction.
  5. The Dread Lord looked down at the pieces of his fallen servant, then at the remnant of the spider queen, now only a dried, smouldering husk.
  6. She rushed across campus and back to her dorm room where she convinced herself everything would be okay and that everyone would think Professor Monroe had fallen down the steps and hit her head.
  7. Both pieces of information had fallen into my lap.
  8. Jeth and Skyla fought side by side, three fallen dreyverns at their feet.
  9. Arantay stepped away from her, moving to sit on the trunk of a fallen tree, his head resting in his hands.
  10. I wondered how many people had fallen to their deaths from here.