English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "flou" is "op 'n manier wat skaars waarneembaar of skaars waarneembaar is; met 'n gebrek aan krag of intensiteit." Dit kan ook beteken "op 'n manier wat waarskynlik 'n gevoel van flouheid of duiseligheid sal veroorsaak."

Sentence Examples

  1. As she walks away her stiletto heels make sharp taps on the floor, faintly audible over the background noise.
  2. While I was admiring his savage beauty, he turned, looked directly at me, and hissed faintly.
  3. The two cusps appeared tapering in a very sharp faint prolongation, each exhibiting its farthest extremity faintly illuminated by the solar rays, before any part of the dark hemisphere was visible.
  4. Evan found both of their pulses still beating, though faintly.
  5. I gasp for breath, then exhale, ready to steady my emotions and face the world when I see her in the mirror, faintly, the line of her figure like a shadow marked by a Sharpie.
  6. His jaw is clenched, and his steel grey eyes look deadly as he squints ever so faintly.
  7. I strained to listen, and I could faintly hear the murmur of voices in the distance.
  8. Off to his left, he could faintly hear the noise of the crowd gathered at the remains of the Great Hall.
  9. Faintly, Brooke felt the stinging pain in her forearm resurface.
  10. They are still open, and, if anything, larger than before, and the edges of them are faintly white.