English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "flou" is 'n tydelike verlies van bewussyn of 'n skielike gevoel van duiseligheid en swakheid. Dit kan ook beteken om swak of duiselig te voel, om vir 'n kort rukkie bewusteloos te raak, of om krag of momentum te verloor. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na 'n skaars waarneembare kleur, klank of reuk, of na 'n geringe moontlikheid of kans dat iets sal gebeur.

Sentence Examples

  1. I could see, as though through a veil, the faint magic present on Earth.
  2. When a Venator is completely drained, they sometimes faint, or in very rare cases, die.
  3. The lighting was dim, but it was enough that I could see the faint shimmer of magic beneath the surface.
  4. As a faint shuffling noise came from up ahead, Lenny made a terrified sound and moved closer to Markos.
  5. A faint current seemed to run through them at the contact, and he strongly suspected that the current would increase were he to come in contact with more of her.
  6. A faint gleam, like sunlight through an open door just out of sight.
  7. A faint stream of gold light, not at all like the blue radiating from the Passage walls.
  8. My skin buzzed, like a mild shock from the stunner, as we followed a path through the winding corridors of the first floor, lit by the faint bluish glow from the walls and floor.
  9. So faint she had almost mistaken it for a random blot, there was a hash mark next to the entry, just as there were with at least six others scattered throughout the ledger.
  10. Stunners in hand, we advanced down the corridor, the faint scraping noise growing louder with every corner we turned.