English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "druip" is om onsuksesvol te wees in die bereiking van 'n doel of doelwit, of om nie 'n toets of eksamen te slaag nie. Dit kan ook beteken om swak of onvoldoende te word, of om op te hou funksioneer soos verwag. Daarbenewens kan "misluk" as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om te verwys na 'n gebrek aan sukses of 'n onsuksesvolle poging.

Sentence Examples

  1. Did whoever fail to lock the rest leave the front door unlocked too?
  2. I grab the sheet to my chest and try to rise gracefully, which of course I fail to do.
  3. I scribble a short message and leave it on the kitchen table so Celestino cannot fail to find it.
  4. He would much rather see her wed to his favourite, Courtenay, and for their heirs to secure an English succession should Mary fail to produce a child of her own.
  5. Such a claim would fail and fail maybe after many years.
  6. Either the servant was the accomplice of his master, and in this case the master knew of his operations, and he should fail or else the servant knew nothing about the robbery, and then his interest would be to abandon the robber.
  7. He would prove to her that not everyone in her life was destined to fail her.
  8. The messages had not made it out of London, there would be no support outside of the city, the risings in the Midlands and Suffolk were going to fail.
  9. Winnie starts to retort but Bud turns and begins talking about the Civil War markings a few yards away, claiming that these scribblings left by retreating Confederates never fail to attract history buffs and re-enactors.