English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "fasiliteit" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene betekenisse:'n Gebou, plek of toerusting wat ontwerp is om 'n spesifieke doel te dien: Byvoorbeeld, 'n sportfasiliteit, 'n gesondheidsorgfasiliteit, 'n vervaardigingsfasiliteit, of 'n navorsingsfasiliteit.'n Vaardigheid of vermoë om iets maklik of goed te doen: Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het 'n fasiliteit vir tale" beteken dat sy 'n natuurlike talent of gemak met die aanleer van nuwe tale.'n Gemak of gerief om iets te doen: Byvoorbeeld, "Die sagteware het 'n gebruikersvriendelike fasiliteit om lêers op te laai" beteken dat die sagteware het 'n kenmerk wat dit vir gebruikers maklik maak om lêers op te laai.'n Diens of kenmerk wat deur 'n organisasie verskaf word: Byvoorbeeld, "Die hotel bied 'n fiksheidsfasiliteit vir gaste " beteken dat die hotel 'n gimnasium of oefenlokaal voorsien vir gaste om te gebruik.'n Ooreenkoms of reëling wat iets moontlik maak: Byvoorbeeld, "Die maatskappy het 'n fasiliteit onderhandel met sy bank om tot $1 miljoen te leen" beteken dat die maatskappy 'n ooreenkoms met sy bank het om geld tot 'n sekere bedrag te leen.

Sentence Examples

  1. The more I looked around, the less the place felt like a government, or military, facility.
  2. A recent six-figure donation was carelessly handed over to Grey Sports Complex for improving the technology infrastructure of the athletic facility, returfing the baseball field, and securing a modern bus for the players traveling to opposing teams.
  3. Stop by Grey Sports Complex to test the ridiculous new systems that were integrated into our curiously modernized athletic facility.
  4. When they found me, I had no doubt the rest of my life would be spent in an underground testing facility somewhere.
  5. OmniLab was originally a company that operated as a medical research facility, dedicated to compiling information on the millions of people populating the planet.
  6. Sometimes she ignored me, other times she put pressure on me to spend more time with her and tell her all about the new technology and perks the athletic facility had received.
  7. I met up with her near the athletic facility to give her the courage she needed to dump him.
  8. She had a daughter somewhere in this facility that she needed to try and protect.
  9. Come to think of it, I probably should be locked away in an underground facility, complete with rubber walls and plastic furniture.
  10. He said the entire board wanted it to benefit the athletic facility.