English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gesig" hou verband met die gesig of die voorkoms van die gesig. Dit kan as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat met die gesig verband hou, soos gelaatstrekke, gesigsuitdrukkings of gesigshare. Dit kan ook as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om te verwys na 'n kosmetiese behandeling wat op die gesig uitgevoer word om sy voorkoms te verbeter, soos 'n gesigsmasker, gesigskrop of gesigmassering.

Sentence Examples

  1. He looked possibly sixteen, with a pasty face swarmed with acne and the beginnings of facial hair.
  2. She wore no form of facial protection, unlike the men who were visible.
  3. Facial recognition has helped our operations, although a few people have gotten in without proper access.
  4. Nearly seventeen, Esteban was a strong, buffed-up teen with unkempt facial hair and a nearly bald head.
  5. His facial features appeared at once sharp and prominent, but also soft and delicate.
  6. I placed him in his mid-to-late forties, balding, and toying with facial hair.
  7. Ally counted aloud as she began compressions again her facial muscles stringent.
  8. By his facial expressions and his gestures, it is clear that he knows his quarry has escaped him but it is equally clear that he is not looking for sorcerers or wizards.
  9. Her specialty was literature and theater productions, which made sense given her exaggerated facial expressions at the retirement party.
  10. However, as they became more familiar, he could discern differences in hair length, shade and style and in facial shape and expression.