English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "oë" verwys na die gepaarde sigorgane in die kop van mense en sommige diere. Die oë is verantwoordelik vir die opsporing van lig en die omskakeling daarvan in elektrochemiese impulse in neurone, wat dan na die brein gestuur word vir verwerking en interpretasie. Die oë is tipies aan die voorkant van die gesig geleë en het 'n verskeidenheid strukture, insluitend die iris, pupil, lens, kornea, retina en optiese senuwee. Daarbenewens kan die woord "oë" ook gebruik word om te verwys na die handeling om iets te kyk of waar te neem, soos in die frase "om 'n oog oor iets te hou."

Sentence Examples

  1. My eyes popped open like a deer caught in headlights.
  2. I could picture her twirling her hair and blinking her empty eyes despite not knowing what she looked like.
  3. I slanted my head at the angle I thought would align with the bottom platform and opened my eyes.
  4. His eyes continually scanned the room behind me as if he were looking for someone.
  5. Alabaster skin shined, and deep brown eyes peered back at me, almost making her look like a frozen statue or an elegant piece of porcelain.
  6. Dean Terry remarked how well that sapphire blue empire-cut blouse matched her eyes.
  7. I tiptoed into the vestibule with my eyes closed, turned to the right, and felt my composure fade.
  8. I rolled both eyes in her direction several times with enough emphasis that they almost got stuck on the final lap.
  9. Her hazel eyes shifted and filled with wild anxiety.
  10. Besides her elf outfit, she had chestnut brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, emerald green eyes, and minimal makeup.

TV Series Examples



or l will carve your eyes from your head.



Do you have eyes in your head?



l believe what my eyes



You must look in his eyes always.



Fewer eyes back here, my lady.



Every time l close my eyes