English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verken" is om in of deur ('n onbekende land of gebied) te reis om daaroor te leer of jouself daarmee vertroud te maak; om (iets) te ondersoek, te bestudeer of te ontleed; om ('n idee, moontlikheid, ens.) in detail te ondersoek, te ondersoek of te oorweeg. Dit kan ook beteken om betrokke te raak by 'n sistematiese soektog na olie, minerale of ander waardevolle hulpbronne. Daarbenewens kan die woord gebruik word om die handeling van ondersoek, toetsing of iets nuuts of onbekends te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. I wanted to explore, he wanted to drink and sit by the pool.
  2. Deciding to take the opportunity to explore, she wandered around his office.
  3. I imagine there are lots of things you want to explore one day.
  4. After I was old enough to explore on my own, I spent my free time studying maps and tromping through most of these mountains.
  5. Third year at the Academy, we got bored and decided to explore the Passages.
  6. When a sum of money was offered by Ayscough to explore the now still pond, it was the blacksmith who stripped to his breeches and waded in.
  7. It was that neglectful passion that led us to marry, for me to spend my days in that horrid job when I wanted to hit the road and explore life.
  8. Kayla bit her lip, debating whether to explore the tunnel.
  9. Using what she now knew as energy threads, she opened up her senses to explore the hidden world beneath the surface.
  10. She deserved a chance to explore the possibilities life had to offer.