English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vrystelling" is die handeling om iemand van 'n aanklag, beskuldiging of skuld te verwyder. Dit kan ook verwys na die toestand van onskuldig verklaar of vry van verantwoordelikheid of verpligting. Daarbenewens kan dit die handeling beteken om iemand van 'n plig, verpligting of verantwoordelikheid te onthef.

Sentence Examples

  1. He cut a path through the crowd of reporters, tourists and lost souls craving a glimpse of Sister and hotheads demanding either her exoneration or her slow and miserable death in San Quentin.
  2. There could be no other arrest, nobody to remove suspicion from him and lead to his exoneration, because there was nobody.