English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitputting" is 'n toestand van uiterste fisiese of geestelike moegheid, tot die punt van algehele uitputting van energie of hulpbronne. Dit kan verwys na 'n gevoel van heeltemal gedreineer, of na 'n toestand van opgebruik van alle beskikbare opsies of moontlikhede. In mediese terme kan uitputting ook verwys na 'n toestand van erge moegheid wat veroorsaak word deur fisiese of geestelike inspanning of siekte.

Sentence Examples

  1. He forced himself to train until exhaustion forced him to stop.
  2. Frustration and exhaustion were building within him, culminating to a dull throb in his head.
  3. Exhaustion had drained them, both physically and magically.
  4. The picture was one of total exhaustion his bodily torment could only increase in consciousness.
  5. Douglas rolled his eyes, realising how difficult that sounded, exhaustion coarsely soared through the air.
  6. Claiming exhaustion, she hid her impatience while Vivie laid out her night things, then she wished the maid good night.
  7. His laughter forced a smile out of me in spite of my exhaustion.
  8. One of them had nearly keeled over from exhaustion.
  9. As poorly insulated as the room was, the air quickly thickened to a soup of sweat and exhaustion.
  10. Harry was seized by a gripping stitch of exhaustion pinching his lungs.