English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitlaat" is om heeltemal te dreineer of op te gebruik, om krag of hulpbronne uit te put of leeg te maak, of om afvalgasse of dampe uit te dryf of uit te stoot. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n onderwerp deeglik te ondersoek of te bespreek, of om 'n effek of resultaat tot die punt van volkome bevrediging te lewer. Die woord kan as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word, wat verwys na die afvalgasse of dampe wat deur 'n enjin of masjien geproduseer word, of as 'n werkwoord, wat beteken om heeltemal op te gebruik of om afvalgasse uit te dryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. Rowan inhaled, enjoying the sting at the back of his nose from the chill, but not liking the smell of exhaust fumes that came with it.
  2. A white plume of airplane exhaust was the only mark on an otherwise infinite blue sky.
  3. I know of a car, parked at the back of the petrol station, the keys are usually always stashed in the exhaust.
  4. As I jumped back into my daily routine starting with walking to work, some things were very familiar, such as inhaling the smoke of open trash fires and the sooty exhaust from diesel trucks, which probably combined to equal the harmful effects of smoking a pack a day.
  5. It watched, its ephemeral body laced through the infinitesimal cracks that ran through the chassis, hiding in the engine and the exhaust, seeping into the darkness beneath the seats, filling the storage container on its back, edging onto the hard tarmac below.
  6. All it would take is a shot of fumes from the exhaust and the petrol station and motel and all birds would be obliterated.
  7. But he shrank from telling the story of his adventures, intimately connected as it was with that of his master and, before doing so, he determined to exhaust all other means of aid.
  8. We have air exhaust fans in the hangars to remove the gas as quickly as possible.
  9. With the low-hanging clouds and tall buildings, it felt more enclosed than the Passages, and the smell of exhaust fumes never really went away.
  10. I also monitored spending levels myself and sat down with several project managers when I noticed their rate of spending would exhaust their funds before the project was supposed to end.