English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitvoer" is die verlede tyd van die werkwoord "uitvoer", wat 'n paar verskillende definisies het, afhangende van die konteks:Om uit te voer of 'n plan, bevel of aksie te bewerkstellig. Voorbeeld: Die span het hul wedstrydplan perfek uitgevoer.Om iets op te voer of te produseer, soos 'n kunswerk of 'n musiekstuk. Voorbeeld: Die orkes het die komponis se stuk met presisie uitgevoer.Om 'n persoon as straf dood te maak. Voorbeeld: Die veroordeelde misdadiger is deur 'n dodelike inspuiting tereggestel.Om 'n regsdokument, soos 'n kontrak of testament, te onderteken of te verseël. Voorbeeld: Die prokureur het die testament verly volgens die kliënt se wense.

Sentence Examples

  1. One of the dogs yelped, causing me to glance away for an instant, so I missed how she executed her next move.
  2. That same face beamed with delight when he praised her for a perfectly executed kick.
  3. Secret Service agents executed everyone who came close to them.
  4. Jack eyed Mat who had remained with him as he had executed the plans during the morning.
  5. The instructions that he passed on had been executed without fault.
  6. It had the effect, however, of bringing out a translation undertaken and executed in a very different spirit, that of Charles Jervas, the portrait painter, and friend of Pope, Swift, Arbuthnot, and Gay.
  7. We executed inconsequential missions because our command had a certain number of raids they had to perform per month.
  8. In their mind, Katherine was righteously executed for her sins.
  9. It was a single stab wound executed in cold blood.
  10. The plan had not been flawed and appeared to have been executed well.