English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n taalmodel kan ek jou voorsien van die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitvoer". Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om 'n plan, taak of aksie met presisie of doeltreffendheid uit te voer of uit te voer. Voorbeeld: Hy het die opdragte foutloos uitgevoer.Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om 'n wet, bevel of besluit in werking te stel of uit te voer. Voorbeeld: Die hof sal môre die vonnis voltrek.Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om 'n doel of doelwit te bereik of te bereik. Voorbeeld: Sy het haar sakeplan suksesvol uitgevoer.Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om iets te skep of te produseer, soos 'n kunswerk, musiek of ontwerp. Voorbeeld: Die kunstenaar het 'n pragtige skildery uitgevoer.Werkwoord (oorgaand): Om iemand as 'n wettige straf of as 'n daad van geweld dood te maak. Voorbeeld: Die misdadiger is deur dodelike inspuiting tereggestel.Werkwoord (oorgaand): In rekenaarprogrammering, om 'n program of opdrag uit te voer of te begin. Voorbeeld: Die rekenaar sal die kode uitvoer sodra die opdrag gegee is.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Regsdokument, soos 'n testament of kontrak, wat spesifiseer hoe iets uitgevoer moet word of geïmplementeer nadat die persoon wat dit geskep het, oorlede is. Voorbeeld: Die eksekuteur het die instruksies in die testament gevolg om die boedel uit te voer.Neem asseblief kennis dat die spesifieke betekenis van "uitvoer" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit is gebruik word. Dit is altyd belangrik om die omliggende woorde en frases in ag te neem om die beoogde betekenis ten volle te verstaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Entreat her that she be pleased to show thee how thou canst execute the command she gives thee, for she will, such is her goodness.
  2. The Biscayan, seeing him come on in this way, was convinced of his courage by his spirited bearing, and resolved to follow his example, so he waited for him keeping well under cover of his cushion, being unable to execute any sort of manoeuvre with his mule, which, dead tired and never meant for this kind of game, could not stir a step.
  3. We are being paid by persons unknown to organize and execute a massive covert operation designed to destroy computer rooms, files, and evidence.
  4. Then they began to move and execute a kind of skirmish upon the calm water, while a vast number of horsemen on fine horses and in showy liveries, issuing from the city, engaged on their side in a somewhat similar movement.
  5. He will come up with a plan, and we will execute that plan with military precision.
  6. I am well within my rights to execute a bride who dishonored me.
  7. And when it came to punishment, the Primes had carte blanche from the president to imprison or execute as they saw fit.
  8. Sancho undertook to execute the task according to the instructions, and to bring back an answer as good as the one he brought back before.
  9. He had to trust that Derek and Orion were somehow working behind the scenes in order to execute on the plan.
  10. His arms were out in a defensive position, and he looked ready to execute a few Jiu-Jitsu moves.