English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "Eva" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Die dag of aand voor 'n belangrike gebeurtenis, soos 'n vakansiedag, viering of belangrike geleentheid. Voorbeeld: "Op die vooraand van haar troue het Sara opgewonde en senuweeagtig gevoel."Die Bybelse figuur van Eva, wat volgens die Bybel die eerste vrou was wat geskep is deur God en die vrou van Adam. Voorbeeld: "Volgens die Bybel is Eva deur die slang versoek om die vrugte van die boom van kennis te eet."'n Vrou se naam. Voorbeeld: "Eva is 'n gewilde naam vir meisies in baie kulture."Die tydperk onmiddellik voor 'n bepaalde historiese gebeurtenis of era. Voorbeeld: "Die Industriƫle Revolusie het in die laat 18de eeu begin, op die vooraand van die 19de eeu."

Sentence Examples

  1. The reprimand and scolding she and Eilif received when they overturned the table Cook had laden for feast one Disablot on the eve of Disting.
  2. He took out his phone and began to snap them, zooming in particularly on the archangel banishing Adam and Eve.
  3. In the silence of the eve, the only sound was the soft stringed music from the elegant ball floating into the crisp night air.
  4. Christmas would not be postponed, and he had a Christmas Eve service and another Sunday to prepare for.
  5. It will be a wonder if he succeeds, for it will be only hurry, hurry, with him, like the tailor on Easter Eve and works done in a hurry are never finished as perfectly as they ought to be.
  6. Alan and Rose cared for the animals while Pearl, Whisky, and I spent Christmas Eve in the Vancouver Bayshore Inn and Christmas Day with my parents.
  7. I forgot to say that Chrysostom, who is dead, was a great man for writing verses, so much so that he made carols for Christmas Eve, and plays for Corpus Christi, which the young men of our village acted, and all said they were excellent.
  8. Mid-morning on Christmas Eve, the Justice of the Peace, Stanley, Gertrude, Pearl, and I stood under the Love Trees as the sun sparkled on the frost.
  9. His ex-wife Karen believed children should be at home on Christmas Eve, and Kirk agreed.
  10. There, on the eve of Austramonath, they would break bread with King Tryggve and his kin.