English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontruim" is om mense of diere uit 'n gebied of gebou na 'n veiliger plek te skuif, gewoonlik as gevolg van 'n noodgeval of gevaarlike situasie. Dit kan ook verwys na die proses om 'n plek van sy inhoud leeg te maak, soos om water uit 'n oorstroomde gebied te verwyder of 'n gebou van bewoners skoon te maak voordat 'n ramp hom tref. Daarbenewens kan die term gebruik word om die handeling van die leegmaak van 'n mens se ingewande of blaas te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. They needed to evacuate now and use anything in sight for a weapon, they could go through the rear window onto the lawn.
  2. I began thinking about what I would pack if we had to evacuate in a hurry.
  3. And now we have to evacuate people due to the flooding.
  4. She waited a few seconds for the air to evacuate and then another green light told her she was ready to exit.
  5. Subway authorities would evacuate the station and shut down the system along that segment of the line while the police investigated the incident and maintenance crews cleaned up the mess.
  6. In the event of an emergency, it could, theoretically, be used to help evacuate civilians.
  7. The day the army arrived and started knocking on doors to evacuate whoever remained.