English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "lofrede" is 'n toespraak of skryfstuk wat iemand of iets hoogs prys, tipies iemand wat pas gesterf het. Dit is 'n huldeblyk, huldeblyk of 'n panegiriek wat gegee word ter ere of nagedagtenis aan 'n persoon wat oorlede is. Dit is 'n manier om die lewe en prestasies van die persoon te vier en sluit dikwels persoonlike anekdotes, stories en herinneringe in. Loofredes word tipies by begrafnisse of gedenkdienste gelewer, maar dit kan ook in koerante of aanlyn geskryf en gepubliseer word.


  1. eulogium

Sentence Examples

  1. for we always conversed, whenever good fortune and my ingenuity gave us the chance, with the greatest gaiety and cheerfulness, mingling tears, sighs, jealousies, doubts, or fears with our words it was all on my part a eulogy of my good fortune that Heaven should have given her to me for my mistress I glorified her beauty, I extolled her worth and her understanding and she paid me back by praising in me what in her love for me she thought worthy of praise and besides we had a hundred thousand trifles and doings of our neighbours and acquaintances to talk about, and the utmost extent of my boldness was to take, almost by force, one of her fair white hands and carry it to my lips, as well as the closeness of the low grating that separated us allowed me.
  2. The words were connected by no regular continuation, but as one ceased another took up the eulogy, or lamentation, whichever it might be called, and gave vent to her emotions in such language as was suggested by her feelings and the occasion.