English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ewewig" is 'n toestand van balans of stabiliteit wat bereik word deur twee of meer opponerende kragte wat ewe groot en teenoorgestelde in rigting is. Met ander woorde, dit verwys na 'n situasie waar al die kragte of faktore wat op 'n sisteem inwerk in balans is, wat lei tot 'n toestand van rus of eenvormige beweging. Ekwilibrium kan fisies, chemies of biologies van aard wees, en dit is 'n belangrike konsep in baie studierigtings, insluitend fisika, chemie, ekonomie en ekologie.


  1. chemical equilibrium

Sentence Examples

  1. Seward is loved not only by his household and his friends, but even by his patients, who, being some of them hardly in mental equilibrium, are apt to distort causes and effects.
  2. He nearly vomited as he returned suddenly into his nauseated body, but a couple of deep breaths restored his equilibrium.
  3. It involves not only the economic stability of a country, but political equilibrium as well.
  4. He needed to step back and regain his equilibrium.
  5. Once her equilibrium began to stabilize, she blinked and tried to regain her bearings.
  6. The sudden loss of equilibrium was expected the continued blurred vision was not.
  7. He could not have been more than two feet in height but this altitude, little as it was, would have been sufficient to destroy his equilibrium, and tilt him over the edge of his tiny car, but for the intervention of a circular rim reaching as high as the breast, and rigged on to the cords of the balloon.
  8. I have no idea what transpired, and I beg Henry to please get me another martini and he heads to the bar while I try to restore my equilibrium.
  9. The abandoned butcher shop was just intact enough for her to sit and regain her equilibrium.
  10. He bit his lip to stop himself swearing, still struggling to keep his equilibrium.