English to afrikaans meaning of

Afguns is 'n gevoel van ontevredenheid of gegriefde verlange wat in iemand opgewek word deur iemand anders se besittings, eienskappe of geluk. Dit is 'n gevoel van jaloesie of begeerlikheid teenoor iemand wat iets besit wat 'n mens begeer, maar nie het nie. Afguns kan ook gedefinieer word as 'n gevoel van kwaadwilligheid teenoor iemand wat sukses, rykdom of geluk behaal het.


  1. enviousness

Sentence Examples

  1. Danton spotted this and looked quickly away, experiencing a stab of envy that he quickly repressed as being unworthy.
  2. Upon my word, I almost envy you the possession of him a remarkably fine, and no doubt a very valuable animal.
  3. According to her mom, gossip should have been one of the deadly seven sins, as it fits right in with some others like envy, malice, and pride.
  4. Kila understood why she felt it was necessary, had even felt a twinge of envy that the captain had such a true friend in Cianne that she was willing to put herself at great risk to do what she felt was right by him.
  5. You could not contradict him, but you raised quick choler you could not speak of wealth, but his cheek paled with gnawing envy.
  6. I watch with sudden envy an elderly couple in loose clothing, replete with backpacks and walking shoes, as they head off, probably on their way to the cliff.
  7. We pass a small town and I envy the smiling faces of the children riding the streets in their Schwins.
  8. He found himself staring at the younger, astoundingly beautiful boy with envy.
  9. The five on the bottom stand for Greed, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy.
  10. Tall and broad, his size was imposing as well, a product of time spent mostly at sea, the strenuous work providing him with a taut layer of muscle that might have been the envy of any Battle Master.