English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord entrepreneur is 'n persoon wat die risiko's van 'n besigheid of onderneming organiseer, bestuur en aanvaar. 'n Entrepreneur is iemand wat hul eie besigheid begin, finansiƫle risiko's neem, en tipies poog om te innoveer en hul onderneming te laat groei. Hulle het dikwels 'n sterk dryfkrag om iets nuuts te skep, 'n produk of diens te ontwikkel en berekende risiko's te neem om sukses te behaal.


  1. enterpriser

Sentence Examples

  1. It shows that the entrepreneur has selected consistent approaches for all aspects of the business to support the overall strategy.
  2. He spoke with a lilting fondness for the early years that were vibrant for a young entrepreneur.
  3. As we continued to talk about the many marketing and sales activities that could increase sales above breakeven levels, Phiwa, our entrepreneur, went off on another tangent.
  4. Bentonville was home to entrepreneur Sam Walton who started the multi-national chain and thus the town became the operational hub of the megastores.
  5. A good entrepreneur, she brought product samples and sold a number to the judges and guests, including me, at the competition.
  6. When asked how he intended to promote his product, which we thought would be critical to any possible success, our entrepreneur had a one-word answer, advertising.
  7. The competitor hired away all the salespeople at much higher salaries, but it only caused a short-term problem for our entrepreneur, and he kept on growing.
  8. However hopeful, our entrepreneur had very little in the way of ideas as to how he would compete with the large companies that were already in the market.
  9. When he shared some ideas he had for managing the inventory based on what people bought, I realized he had the makings of an entrepreneur.
  10. A good business plan must describe very clearly how the business will operate to show that the entrepreneur has thought very deeply about the business and the many alternatives for running it.