English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verlig" is om 'n rasionele, moderne en goed ingeligte uitkyk te hê of te toon; vry van onkunde en vooroordeel; ingelig; bewus; opgevoed; kundig; of geestelik bewus. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon wat 'n toestand van verligting of hoër bewussyn bereik het deur geestelike of filosofiese praktyke. Die term word dikwels gebruik om individue, samelewings of kulture te beskryf wat intellektueel, moreel of geestelik verby hul eweknieë gevorder het.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then he eyed Lance with a lopsided grin that enlightened his soft features.
  2. No further enlightened, Franklin feared subsequent inquiries at the hospital would prove equally time consuming and fruitless.
  3. The servant, enlightened by his disclosure, and afraid of being himself implicated in the crime, would doubtless become an ally of the detective.
  4. Our toil must be in silence, and our efforts all in secret for in this enlightened age, when men believe not even what they see, the doubting of wise men would be his greatest strength.
  5. Or I could refer you to Ireland, which is marked as one of the white or enlightened spots on the map.
  6. Nothing, up to that period, except the respect paid me, had enlightened me, or even roused my suspicions.
  7. I need only suggest what kind of sermons are still listened to in the most enlightened countries.
  8. The teachings of the enlightened Buddha contain much, it teaches many to live righteously, to avoid evil.
  9. He, the enlightened man who looks afar in the dark, had fled because of his superior perceptions and knowledge.
  10. The Buddha himself, the enlightened one, was also in the habit of taking this walk to beg in the morning.