English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "enable" is om iemand of iets die vermoë, middele of geleentheid te gee om iets te doen of om iets moontlik of haalbaar te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na die maak van iets operasioneel of funksioneel deur die nodige toerusting, gereedskap of hulpbronne te verskaf. Byvoorbeeld, "Die nuwe sagteware-opdatering sal gebruikers in staat stel om toegang tot bykomende kenmerke te kry" of "Die regering se befondsing sal die bou van nuwe skole in die area moontlik maak."

Sentence Examples

  1. We were rapidly approaching the mountains in the South but our elevation was more than sufficient to enable us to pass them in safety.
  2. An arm, for instance, uplifted from the water, and thus deprived of its support, is an additional weight sufficient to immerse the whole head, while the accidental aid of the smallest piece of timber will enable us to elevate the head so as to look about.
  3. Then they agreed that the captain and Zoraida should return with his brother to Seville, and send news to his father of his having been delivered and found, so as to enable him to come and be present at the marriage and baptism of Zoraida, for it was impossible for the Judge to put off his journey, as he was informed that in a month from that time the fleet was to sail from Seville for New Spain, and to miss the passage would have been a great inconvenience to him.
  4. Seara pressed a button to enable audio, and they could hear Kayla shouting.
  5. I placed a digital object identifier nested within their e-data signal, which will enable me to track them surreptitiously.
  6. But the aeronaut, still greatly discomposed, and having apparently no farther business to detain him in Rotterdam, began at this moment to make busy preparations for departure and it being necessary to discharge a portion of ballast to enable him to reascend, the half dozen bags which he threw out, one after another, without taking the trouble to empty their contents, tumbled, every one of them, most unfortunately upon the back of the burgomaster, and rolled him over and over no less than one-and-twenty times, in the face of every man in Rotterdam.
  7. This having been done, steps were taken to ransom our three comrades, so as to enable them to quit the baño, and lest, seeing me ransomed and themselves not, though the money was forthcoming, they should make a disturbance about it and the devil should prompt them to do something that might injure Zoraida for though their position might be sufficient to relieve me from this apprehension, nevertheless I was unwilling to run any risk in the matter and so I had them ransomed in the same way as I was, handing over all the money to the merchant so that he might with safety and confidence give security without, however, confiding our arrangement and secret to him, which might have been dangerous.
  8. Reaching over and glancing at the communication device, he hit the button to enable audio.
  9. The train did not proceed rapidly counting the stoppages, it did not run more than twenty miles an hour, which was a sufficient speed, however, to enable it to reach Omaha within its designated time.
  10. If he thought that by these means he could break the spirit or shake the resolution of his prisoner, he was soon undeceived, for Cervantes contrived before long to despatch a letter to the Governor of Oran, entreating him to send him someone that could be trusted, to enable him and three other gentlemen, fellow-captives of his, to make their escape intending evidently to renew his first attempt with a more trustworthy guide.