English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "emosioneel" hou verband met of word gekenmerk deur intense gevoelens of diepliggende emosies. Dit kan ook verwys na iemand wat maklik deur hul emosies geraak word en geneig is tot sterk gevoelens of uitdrukkings van daardie gevoelens. Emosionaliteit kan geassosieer word met 'n reeks emosies, soos geluk, hartseer, woede, vrees, liefde en ander. Dit word dikwels gebruik om gedrag of reaksies te beskryf wat deur sterk emosies gedryf word, in teenstelling met rede of logika.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was as though one more emotional blow would topple her.
  2. Turning away, she hurried out the door, wanting to leave and rebuild her emotional shields before they collapsed.
  3. As a friend, yes, but she was devoid of any physical or emotional desire for him.
  4. You long for the emotional embrace of a mate that will never come.
  5. Besides, I was still dealing with the emotional turmoil of our divorce.
  6. The loss of Celestino is a devastating prospect in every respect, never mind the emotional loss.
  7. He stands in the hall watching me, trying to judge my emotional state.
  8. But I sensed something more sinister deep in the back of that cave and I was afraid a dark spirit might have attached itself to you, being an adolescent spirits tend to like teenagers going through emotional change.
  9. No one, not even Gabriella, has ever penetrated his emotional defenses like you do.
  10. I never have been good with women, much less an emotional one.