English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "elektrisiteit" is die fisiese verskynsel wat verband hou met die teenwoordigheid en vloei van elektriese lading. Dit is 'n vorm van energie wat voortspruit uit die beweging van gelaaide deeltjies, soos elektrone of ione, deur 'n geleier. Elektrisiteit is die basis vir baie moderne tegnologieƫ, insluitend kragopwekking, elektriese motors en elektronika.

Sentence Examples

  1. Electricity bottomed out through my feet with an audible snap.
  2. The Alliance had ways of harnessing magic like electricity using offworld technology, less damaging than an actual electric fence, but just as much of a deterrent.
  3. Brooke continued to fire off bolts of electricity whilst Evan danced around their lumbering enemies, jabbing and lunging whenever he saw an opportunity.
  4. Some passageways had levitating balls of electricity that lit the area from up high.
  5. The world disappeared around us, reduced to the sound of his fast-beating heart against mine, to the seconds as I tilted my head and our lips met in a surge of electricity infinitely better than magic.
  6. As the six armed snake lunged she conjured a ball of electricity that scorched its scales and sent it sprawling.
  7. Her scream turned to a war cry and his ecstasy turned to torment when she filled her hands with electricity and clapped them either side of his head.
  8. As the electricity pours through my being, I feel my eyes rolling back in my head and I lose myself.
  9. Evan threw himself to the floor as the Spellzooka fired off a huge bomb of electricity that exploded amidst the new demon group with a terrifying blast, frying them to ash.
  10. I look up from reading, my head buzzing with the electricity.