English to afrikaans meaning of

Die selfstandige naamwoord "elmboog" het 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Die gewrig tussen die bo- en onderarm, waar dit in die middel buig. 'n Pyppasstuk wat soos 'n elmboog gevorm is, wat gebruik word om die rigting van 'n pyplyn of pyp te verander.'n Skerp draai of draai, wat soos die gewrig van 'n elmboog lyk.'n Middel van elmboog. of iemand eenkant toe stoot, dikwels figuurlik.Die werkwoord "elmboog" beteken om met die elmboog te druk of te stoot, of om 'n pad te baan deur met jou elmboƫ verby ander te stoot.

Sentence Examples

  1. When Lorraine reached the last step and stood a few inches from me, she grabbed my elbow.
  2. The newspaper under his arm slips down to his elbow.
  3. Inhaling deeply, she parted her hands, her right extending out to her side in a fluid motion as she bent her left at the elbow.
  4. They lay quietly for a while, kissing and caressing, then she rose up on one elbow with obvious reluctance.
  5. I kicked blindly and stuck out an elbow when I sensed Gregor come up behind me.
  6. Suddenly, she felt a hand at her elbow and the sensation of healing enveloped her, taking away the immense pain with a cold tingling.
  7. She felt the bone break instead, snapping in half at the elbow with an almighty crack.
  8. I turn to walk to the dining room but he catches my elbow.
  9. As he twisted, a large scratch near his elbow appeared.
  10. I stuck out an elbow, knocking it from her hands, and ran for the door.