English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "óf" is 'n voegwoord en bepaler wat tipies "een of die ander van twee" beteken. Dit word gebruik om twee alternatiewe aan te bied, wat impliseer dat slegs een van die alternatiewe gekies kan word.Byvoorbeeld, "Jy kan óf saam met ons na die park kom óf by die huis bly en TV kyk." In hierdie sin word "óf" gebruik om twee opsies aan te bied, en die luisteraar moet een van hulle kies.As 'n bepaler word "óf" voor 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik om na een van twee dinge voorheen te verwys. genoem. Byvoorbeeld, "Jy kan enige bus neem om by die middestad te kom."In sommige gevalle kan "óf" ook as 'n bywoord gebruik word, wat "so" of "ook" beteken. Byvoorbeeld, "Ek hou nie van koffie nie, en my vriend ook nie."

Sentence Examples

  1. Lorraine confirmed his story, but it still leaves time for either to kill Abby during the death window.
  2. We could either hole up in a hotel for the night, or risk going home.
  3. Either I was getting old, or other people were getting crazier.
  4. When the weather cooperated, it was a brisk fifteen-minute walk to reach either end.
  5. I could either give them to Sheriff Montague, or I could casually check a few pages to verify whether any reason existed to share them.
  6. It had been two weeks since the final Academy tests in the Passages, and now, it was almost a disappointment to find a monster-free corridor waiting ahead, lined with doors on either side.
  7. Alber and Jeth stood either side of me as we approached the alleyway to the Passages.
  8. Connor had to have security records from that night for all students entering the dorm room unless there were no cameras there either.
  9. The chalder vox bellowed and ran back into the alley, hitting the walls on either side, totally out of it.
  10. Either he was a great actor or something else was going on behind the scenes in this mystery.

TV Series Examples



lt's either me or this cold,



Either of you understand



To do either we need to cross the river