English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "agtste" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: wat getal agt in 'n ry uitmaak; kom na die sewende en voor die negende.selfstandige naamwoord: een van agt gelyke dele van 'n geheel.Voorbeeldsinne:Hy het klaargemaak in agtste plek in die wedloop.Die koek moet in agt gelyke agtstes gesny word.Sy studeer vanjaar graad agtste wiskunde.

Sentence Examples

  1. Carmine listens but his eyes never leave mine and I feel like an eighth grader caught throwing my American history book out the window only to have a counselor explain that my ADHD made me do it.
  2. At the eighth floor the lift stopped and the doors slid open.
  3. After supper, on the eighth night at sea, Lord and Lady invited me into the stateroom.
  4. The journey of voice begins when a baby enters their eighth month in the womb, as their heart rate slows when their mother is speaking.
  5. This implied a little research, and he soon hit contradictions and lack of source material for the eighth century.
  6. After putting in the earbuds, I held the microphone an eighth of an inch from the floor.
  7. From his eighth to his thirteenth year he attended the Manor House school, at Stoke-Newington, a suburb of London.
  8. I awoke on the morning of my eighth day on that miserable case and was rinsing off a corpse all right, in spades.
  9. From Second Choir Cherubim to Eighth Choir Principalities, each was as stunned as the next by what had just happened in the mortal realm.
  10. I used to bring him in, in the seventh or eighth inning whenever Striker tired out or gave up too many hits.

TV Series Examples



They'll need an eighth hell to fit him in.