English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "agtiende" is 'n ranggetal wat verwys na die numeriese posisie wat op die getal 17 in 'n reeks volg. Dit kan ook gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat verband hou met of geassosieer word met die getal 18, of die posisie in 'n reeks wat op 17de volg.

Sentence Examples

  1. But at her eighteenth birthday celebration he had overindulged in the strong wine he had gone to Leonovia to procure for her gala, and he had confessed his love for her.
  2. Ownership of the cottage, and her trust fund, had been transferred to her upon her eighteenth birthday.
  3. In the eighteenth century, he became chief of the entire Cree nation.
  4. The city could well be bustling outside, but in here it was almost as though the world had stood still since the house was built in the eighteenth century.
  5. It was like I had stepped back in time to the eighteenth century.
  6. On the eighteenth of October I spent the whole day with her, and she happened to know the name of this one-eyed, one-armed man through a common acquaintance.
  7. Tongues had wagged since before Lach had all but declared his intentions by making a point of returning to Cearova expressly to attend her eighteenth birthday celebration.
  8. The file contained many articles dating from the earliest newspapers in the late eighteenth century up to the twenty-first century.
  9. The lobby of the building was enormous, stretching from the eighteenth to the twenty-fourth floor.
  10. Upon my eighteenth birthday Father released me from this responsibility.