English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "opvoedkundig" hou verband met onderwys of die verskaffing van onderrig of kennis, veral in 'n institusionele omgewing soos 'n skool, kollege of universiteit. Dit kan verwys na enigiets wat bedoel is om te onderrig of op te voed, insluitend materiaal, programme of aktiwiteite wat ontwerp is om 'n persoon se kennis of vaardighede te verbeter. 'n "Opvoedkundige" ervaring is een wat ontwerp is om kennis oor te dra, vaardighede te ontwikkel of begrip in 'n spesifieke vak of veld te verbeter.

Sentence Examples

  1. Coming from an educational background in electrical engineering and business plus my career in the high technology industry, I could never have imagined that I would become so knowledgeable about the pork industry.
  2. In addition to the recognition and prize aspects of the competition, there were also educational and mentoring components.
  3. I expect such an extensive and educational trip might take up to a year, but as you know, Mr.
  4. Loves his job, but not a big supporter of the whole educational purpose for student enrollment at Braxton.
  5. I consumed both the training manuals and the educational words over the subsequent days.