English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "rand" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:Die grens of limiet van iets.Die skerp of snykant van 'n lem of gereedskap .'n Punt of area van skerpte of intensiteit.'n Gunstige of beter posisie.Die buitenste of verste punt of deel van iets.As 'n werkwoord beteken "rand" om geleidelik of huiwerig na 'n bepaalde fisiese of geestelike toestand of uitkoms te beweeg. Dit kan ook beteken om iets te voorsien met 'n rand of rand.

Sentence Examples

  1. As the monster staggered, Evan crawled across the ruined red earth, making for the edge of the cliff.
  2. He guessed all the running away from Ollie and his gang had given him an edge on the other Novices.
  3. Tentatively, she placed her hand at the edge of the curtain, then snapped it back fast.
  4. She was right, of course, the edge of my black trench coat was smoking slightly.
  5. Brooke hid behind a pile of used tyres, peering round the edge to make sure none of them followed.
  6. Little had I known, Monday would be the day when the shocking revelations pushed me over the edge.
  7. This time, icy air slammed into me, and I barely reacted in time to grab for the edge of the platform and hang there, cursing whoever in the Multiverse had thought this was a good idea for offworld security.
  8. When Gettelung led her through two normal doors she was amazed that they were suddenly outside, standing on the edge of a rushing waterfall and long snaking stream, which the Mistress of water controlled, making the current flow the wrong way.
  9. In past interviews, it always seemed people of his nature were uncomfortable with silence, suddenly sharing things they might not normally say until the solitude nudged them over the edge.
  10. Tristan and Arianna were on edge too, as if expecting another attack.

TV Series Examples



He could have lingered on the edge



and piss off the edge of the world.