English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "plig" is 'n morele of wetlike verpligting; 'n verantwoordelikheid of taak wat van 'n mens verwag of verwag word om te doen; 'n bepaalde werk of funksie wat 'n mens opgedra of aangestel is om te verrig; of 'n betaling of belasting opgelê deur 'n regering op ingevoerde of uitgevoer goedere.

Sentence Examples

  1. She still felt anger and guilt about how he had been forced to do his duty to country rather than be here now to care for the ones who really mattered.
  2. As the gift size increases so does the value, my parents indulging Gloria with an arts and crafts kit in its own special carry case, a memory game, a toy toolset with workbench, and finally, leaning against the wall beside the table, a heavy duty, plastic cubby house.
  3. Out of some archaic sense of duty, perhaps, he supported Elizabeth.
  4. Burl had left shortly after the Examiner shared his initial impressions, ordering Kila to report for duty bright and early the next morning.
  5. Evan saw many of them as he, Jed and Emillia were on cleaning duty tonight.
  6. However, he stressed that his duty was owed to the Lady Mary and so he was unable to predict his return.
  7. Cianne held his heart, but he would do his duty as required.
  8. They made it easy for me to overlook your flaws, to ignore your lack of a sense of duty to our House, to laugh off your rebelliousness.
  9. Other than Xavier on cleaning duty and Padrake, who stood on one of the balconies smoking a pipe, no one else was around.
  10. Anyway, when Cassie saw that, she called Brower because she said it was her Christian duty.

TV Series Examples



lt's your duty to represent your House



Oh, we all do our duty



Your duty lies here now.