English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dwang" is 'n toestand van gedwing of gedwing word om iets teen 'n mens se wil te doen. Dit verwys na die gebruik van dreigemente, intimidasie of fisiese geweld om iemand te dwing om op 'n sekere manier op te tree of om 'n bepaalde besluit te neem. In wetlike kontekste kan dwang 'n verweer wees teen 'n kriminele aanklag of 'n grondslag vir die nietigverklaring van 'n kontrak of ooreenkoms wat onder dwang aangegaan is.

Sentence Examples

  1. In other words, his admission of guilt had been forced out of him under duress.
  2. The crowd without gave way, and several warriors entered the place, bringing with them the hapless conjurer, who had been left so long by the scout in duress.
  3. Safety signals indicated they were not under duress or being forced to allow others to use the site.
  4. Flint is a developing Acquired Savant, possessing a precognitive ability that serves him well under duress.
  5. If this got hairy, he wanted to remember where each weapon was, in case he had to go for one under duress.
  6. No indication a person had left in a hurry or under duress.