English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "dupleks" kan verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:'n Gebou wat in twee aparte wooneenhede verdeel is, elk met sy eie ingang en gewoonlik met 'n gedeelde muur.'n Soort woonstel of wooneenheid wat twee verdiepings het wat deur 'n interne trap verbind is.'n Soort drukpers wat op beide kan druk kante van 'n vel papier terselfdertyd.'n Telekommunikasieterm wat verwys na 'n kommunikasiekanaal wat seine gelyktydig kan versend en ontvang.'n Term wat in chemie gebruik word om 'n molekule te beskryf wat twee identiese dele het.'n Term wat in rekenaarnetwerke gebruik word om 'n kabel te beskryf wat twee afsonderlike kanale het vir stuur en ontvang van data.

Sentence Examples

  1. The duplex was a miniature hacienda with lots of redwood trim.
  2. So far, Sergei had counted nine bathrooms in the duplex, and that was the least of it Scandinavian paintings and mid-century Italian glassware were displayed in the corner living area.
  3. I reach the duplex, open the mailbox, only to find a bunch of junk mail.
  4. Chavez gingerly picked up a duplex charging wire from a pile of equipment, plugged the single end into an outlet, and the double end into the backs of her prosthetic legs.
  5. Stuff that in my backpack, ride the bike to the duplex.
  6. Her current home was near the corner of Apex and Fargo, in a boxy clapboard duplex of wartime construction, and with a castle turret more recently tacked on.
  7. It was a massive duplex, mostly open-plan, and the free-flowing rooms gave panoramic views over Manchester.
  8. Find my new checkbooks in my box, and ride on back to the duplex.
  9. It did not start to rain until I got back from doing that, and then I could hear it hitting the roof of the duplex.