English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dun" kan verskil na gelang van die gebruik daarvan, maar sommige van die mees algemene definisies sluit in:(werkwoord) om betaling van 'n skuld te eis, gewoonlik in 'n aanhoudende of irriterende manier.(byvoeglike naamwoord) van 'n dowwe bruingrys kleur.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n persoon se skuldeiser.Vir Byvoorbeeld, jy kan sê: "Die verhuurder het my aangehou vir die huurgeld, al het ek vir hom gesê ek sal volgende week betaal," of "Die donker kleur van die mure het die kamer vaal en ongeïnspireerd laat voel."

Sentence Examples

  1. I am surprised that Dun Edin fell so easily and that the Norse destroyed the Alban army so quickly.
  2. Black against a dawn sky of fading purple, the battlements of the royal dun were stark in their simplicity.
  3. The rising sun silhouetted Dun Edin, the fort of Edin, as it stood on its precipitous rock at the head of a steep ridge.
  4. They walked on, through lands that were increasingly populated, with small fields of already sown barley and oats on the lower ground, and dun cattle, goats and sheep on the higher.
  5. Between them, and dominating the coast, was the royal dun.
  6. Running down the steep ridge from the dun to the lion-shaped hill a mile to its west, was the town, the largest in all Alba.
  7. Passing well-tended fields and neat farm steadings, with the occasional empty but well-maintained hill-top dun or brightly-painted and carved standing stone, Melcorka marvelled how orderly and peaceful Fidach was.
  8. It was larger than Castle Gloom, perhaps larger than Dun Edin, although it was not easy to calculate the size as it sheltered behind a triple bank of earthworks.
  9. The royal dun overlooked the town, its stone walls seemingly impenetrable, its tall tower glowering over the fields of Lodainn and far beyond, and its walls thrusting upward from the sheer face of the cliff in every spot save one, where a drawbridge crossed a deep, defending ditch.
  10. Embossed bulls decorated the entrance, with a frieze of bulls above a gateway that penetrated through the outer works, then turned sharp right to the second, and then right again to a third gateway through the final defences that lay before the stone walls of the dun itself.