English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "gegrawe" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike betekenisse:Die verlede tyd van "grawe", wat beteken om grond, sand of ander materiaal met 'n gereedskap op te breek, te skuif of te verwyder, of om uit te grawe.'n Soogdier se speen of tepel, wat deur jong diere gebruik word om melk te soog.'n Klein inkeping of indrukking in 'n oppervlak, soos 'n holte in die grond of 'n groef in 'n stuk hout.Om 'n gat, put of depressie in iets te laat uitgrawe, skep of vorm.Sonder meer konteks is dit moeilik om te bepaal watter definisie van "dug" waarna jy verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. I dug my fingers into the edges and only got a broken fingernail for my trouble.
  2. I could feel blood dampen my hands where the nails dug in, sweat cold on the back of my neck.
  3. My fingers dug into the crevices of the old growth.
  4. Those abandoned tunnels Ann mentioned one time, dug into the cliff face to get at those water galleries in the mountains, do they reach the source?
  5. When I dug my heels into the ground, he lifted me into the air.
  6. They dug huge holes and lined them with concrete to store water underground.
  7. I waited with anticipation and worry as Andrew dug one foot deep into the ground and let out a snarl.
  8. Pepper out of the cooler and dug round in my pocket for my change.
  9. It seemed most advantageous to give April Montague time to meet with the student worker and Lorraine before I dug any further.
  10. Catherine dug her heels in, attempting to catch them before they disappeared from view for a second time.