English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "dubbel" is "bestaan uit twee dele, elemente of aspekte." Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat twee funksies of doeleindes het, of iets wat uit twee komplementêre dele bestaan. Byvoorbeeld, 'n dubbeldoelvoertuig kan vir beide werk en vervoer gebruik word, terwyl 'n dubbelkring-remstelsel in 'n motor twee afsonderlike remkringe het vir ekstra veiligheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some carried their blades in their mouths and others had dual daggers.
  2. Like dual whips, her fire cut the air, searing a spearman to the far right, while, behind him, another advanced.
  3. Rain lashed my camper van all the way up the A30, a road that feels like it loops around and around in a Groundhog Day-style procession of sameness, switching between dual carriageway and single-track road on a whim.
  4. They were only half of the dual threat the enemy brought to bear against those they wish to destroy.
  5. The dual challenges were to not slam into the slow trucks as I came up rapidly from behind and to not get hit in the rear by a fast car as I passed the slow trucks, all the while maneuvering around the sharp curves.
  6. The hound was wielding dual silver blades, one in each hand.
  7. The building I lived in was a raised dual level built after World War Two.
  8. Myron thought nothing of challenging his oldest child to a dual.
  9. He heads straight to the Arrecife ring road and takes the dual carriageway past the airport and the tourist strips, thick with traffic in both directions.
  10. Lifting their dual pandanus half skirts, they squatted in the knee-high water and defecated in the current sweeping the reef.